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FEMTO3D Atlas Plug & Play

Plug & Play European Tour 2024

Get ready for an electrifying European adventure in 2024 as our FEMTO3D Atlas Plug&Play microscope hits the road! You’ll have the opportunity to experience our PnP system firsthand and learn about it directly from our Application Specialists

Upcoming stations of the turnkey FEMTO3D Atlas Plug & Play microscopes:

London: May 3rd to 26th

University College London

Lyon: May 27th to June 19th

French Institute of Health and Medical Research | Inserm – Institut NeuroMyoGene in Lyon

Verona: June 30th to July 30th

University of Verona

Freiburg: July 31st to August 14th

University of Freiburg


The FEMTO3D ATLAS PLUG & PLAY microscope is a turnkey multiphoton solution: following a smooth delivery to the laboratory, it is ready to operate within an hour. The system can be easily relocated or moved between laboratories, adapting to your ever-changing needs. While compact in size, the microscope is equipped with the latest 3D acousto optic (AO) technology for ultra-fast in vivo 3D imaging and 3D photostimulation.

The FEMTO3D ATLAS PLUG & PLAY combines high­ tech science and engineering in 3D measurements. It performs and goes beyond all that galvo and resonant scanner based imaging can do and extends into three dimensions, providing the all-in-one solution in two-photon microscopy.

Ultra-fast, simultaneous 3D imaging and 3D photostimulation in a large volume with real-time motion correction: capture dendrites and whole networks at the same time! Scan silently, without mechanical restrictions!

Compact and arrives ready to operate

Calcium imaging, voltage imaging

Low phototoxicity, high optical quality

Supporting neurobiological applications

Of over 2000 soma distributed in 3D

And spine mapping without interruption

Real-time 3D motion correction


The rapidly evolving voltage sensor technology determines the next decade of bio-imaging: they have faster kinetics than calcium sensors and can provide superior temporal resolution, capable of detecting spikes at frequencies greater than 100 Hz. Combined with the high sampling rate of the Atlas Plug & Play (up to 100kHz), they are suited for detecting ultrafast transients, such as action potentials (APs). The AO technology also surmounts mechanical distortion and jumping delay between ROIs, spending recording time only at structures of interest. The Atlas Plug & Play powerd by the AO technology, with real-time motion correction, is currently the only imaging device which can keep up with the speed of
firing neurons.


Drawing reliable conclusions from data collected from behaving animals can be challenging, as artifacts arising from tissue movements can be difficult to discern from real activity signals. The Femtonics FocusPinner real-time 3D motion correction feature has been developed to eliminate motion artifacts during data acquisition not just along the axes of the imaged plane but also along the optical axis. By combining it with the scanning modes of the Atlas Plug & Play, neuronal activity data can be aquired without motion artifacts while the animal is performing tasks in virtual reality. FocusPinner will allow you to profit from unprecedented signal-to-noise ratio and save time by avoiding post-hoc processing.

ABOUT THE FEMTO3D Atlas Plug & Play

• In vivo functional imaging down to below 850 µm depth
• 500 µm × 500 µm × 650 µm scanning volume in vivo (with a 20x, NA=1.0 obj.)
(In case of excellent labelling it can be exteded to 800 µm x 800 µm x 1050 µm while keeping the good central resolution)
• Wavelength between 920 – 1040 nm
• Integrated automatic beam stabilization
• Integrated dispersion compensation unit for most effective excitation
• Diffraction limited, submicrometer resolution in the center (<450 nm)
• Scanning speed up to 100 kHz to any points in 3D
• 3D SCANNING MODES: random-access point, trajectory, tilted frame, volume, ribbon, snake, chessboard, multi-cube scanning
• Quasi-simultaneous 3D imaging and 3D photostimulation
• Real-time 3D Motion Correction to eliminate motion artifacts arising from tissue movements

Would you like to learn more?

Get in touch with our experts and learn more about the special applications of the FEMTO3D Atlas Plug & Play.